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Geographical locationSouth Asia
Land area147,570 sq. km
Population159.9 million (1,063 people per sq. km)
Types of climateTropical Savanna (Aw)
GHG emissions profile0.98 tCO2 per capita
Key emitting sectorsFor the year 2011, it was estimated that the three key emitting sectors emitted 64 MtCO2e, with the power sector emitting 21 MtCO2e, the transportation sector 17 MtCO2e, and the industrial sector 26 MtCO2e
Key climate risksFloods and drought, sea level rise (related salinization processes and erosion), intensified cyclones, temperature rise
Vulnerable sectorsAgriculture, water, energy resilience, coastal and riverside infrastructure

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country. This includes different workshops, seminars, training courses, policy dialogues etc. You can also
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